Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Here are some new links on Emotional Core Therapy including three journal articles and the World CEU alliance Six hour online CEU course.

We now have direct scientific proof that Emotional Core Therapy is the most effective psychology approach available worldwide to treat addictions, eating disorders, and stress.

Do you or your loved ones suffer stress from addictions? If so, free videos and books below that explain the Emotional Core Therapy process. My passion in life is helping those who suffer from mental health and addiction issues.


All seven of my books including my new Christian spiritual books for teens and adults are now available on amazon.com. See link below. My Emotional Core Therapy approach is scientifically proven to be the most effective psychology approach available worldwide to treat the root cause of addictions and gain inner peace and happiness, and treat daily stress.https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&text=Robert+A.+Moylan&search-alias=books&field-author=Robert+A.+Moylan&sort=relevancerank

Here is an interview I did on the Dr. Foojan Zeine Show explaining Emotional Core Therapy (ECT). ECT is scientifically proven to be the simplest, most effective, and most inclusive psychology approach available worldwide to treat relationship stress ( addictions, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, etc) and gain inner peace and happiness. Scientific proof can only be done with the naked eye. Anyone can test my model for proof which is available in my book below. My training video on my blog also outlines ECT but is not as detailed as the downloadable book below.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qAE5cSOQznc&feature=youtu.be

Here is my one hour training video.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ty9OE2lqNX8

My blog below has an article on Emotional Core Therapy and Scientific Evidence. This blog also has my free one hour training video, free download of my spiritual and golf and media links.http://robertmoylanlcpc.blogspot.com

Here is free download of spiritual and golf book.http://emotionalcoretherapy.com/read-online/

Only ECT effectively treats the root cause of stress of the Holmes and Rahe Scale (top stresses in one's life)! No other psychology approach treats the root cause of any stress one faces on a day to day basis.  Below link.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holmes_and_Rahe_stress_scale

My six hour CEU Course for fifty dollars is a home study course that comes with a money back guarantee. See my website at www.emotionalcoretherapy.com for info.

Emotional Core Therapy is approved for Continuing Education Learning by the largest worldwide CEU training organization. Also, the course is approved by the largest state (Illinois Association of Behavioral Health) and national addiction training and certification organizations.

Journal entries.

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