Are you a teen or know of a teen that would like to live a happy with a
positive sense of self? Well now you can! "Emotional Core Therapy for
Adolescents" by Robert A. Moylan, LCPC, provides valuable information and tools
on what you can do reduce and even eliminate negative feelings such as anger,
hurt, anxiety, depression and fear. I have interviewed Robert A. Moylan on his
life transforming book for Adolescents.
Tell me about yourself? I was a very sensitive child and teen growing up on the west side of Chicago. My father tragically died in a fire when I was in the 7th grade. I was one of 13 children and my mother worked long hours as a waitress. This left our family financially strapped. I liked to read as a child and was fortunate to go to prep school at Lake Forest Academy on a scholarship. About ten or eleven years old, I seem to have my fair share of problems. I struggled with sadness and anxiety more than the next boy. I turned to prayer as a young person to gain peace however that wasn't enough. Whether it was losing wrestling matches, getting bullied or dating I seem to take the losses hard. As I look back, I usually went all out in studying and sports. Naturally, you can't win at everything so I began to learn to process my feelings at a young age. I had a wonderful mentor named Ed Paquette, who was my high school Headmaster at Lake Forest Academy. Ed was a trained guidance counselor. He was a great role model as he was exceptional with his emotions and expressing himself. Having to see him on a daily basis was wonderful for my development. He was always supportive and that helped transform my life. I was able to gain another scholarship to a highly ranked school Northwestern University. It was there that I studied Human Development and earned my high school teaching certificate. I also earned an Economics degree from Northwestern, but decided to work helping teens instead of going to business school. That was almost 30 years ago. Since then I have spent most of my career as a teacher, coach and counselor.
What made you decide to write, "Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents"? I wrote Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents because I wanted to stop, prevent, or diminish the emotional pain that young people often experience. I have found over the years that reading self help books really helped my growth and development. I joke that I lived in the "self help psychology" aisle at Barnes and Noble bookstore. This book shares some of my top techniques I have used as a behavior disorders teacher and counselor to help our youth. This approach is unique and very simple to learn if you give yourself the time to work the five steps. I like to tell people, if it rains or thunderstorms; you would want an umbrella or some type of shelter. Why not do the same with your emotions. Stress will hit you; I can assure all teens of that. Why? We place a great deal on our young with school, sports, etc. This book teaches teens how to protect themselves from emotional problems like moving, breakups, failing grades, losing a loved one, etc.
What is "Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents about? Emotional Core Therapy uses five easy steps to identify and process debilitating feelings of fear and grief. The book teaches teens how to have a loving relationship with oneself, without the use of drugs or alcohol. The book helps keep teens relaxed and reflective in their daily life. Only then, can they truly release the problems that naturally come their way. I use some actual cases, and hypothetical cases, to teach adolescents the ECT process. The book is also interactive, so at the end of the chapter, teens can work on their own feelings at their own pace. ECT helps teens attain power and vitality in their day to day life.
Who can benefit from reading, Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents"? ECT is for almost all teens. It is a very inclusive process. It does not matter what your religion, gender, ethnicity or sexual preference, as the ECT process deals with the four authentic feelings of joy, grief, fear, and relief. These four feelings are with us throughout the day. Often times, they make us feel very uncomfortable. Why not learn to master them early in life. I learned how to master my emotions the hard way. I would like things to be a bit easier for youth in America and throughout the world. Nearly all teens will have to deal with debilitating feelings of fear and grief, and anger as they take on the demands of the world. Some will experience relationship problems. Some will struggle academically. Some will struggle with parental demands and expectations. Some will have peer pressure. The stresses of a teen's life can be momentous at times. This book helps teens identify and process these feelings and learn to gain confidence in them in the process.
Where can someone buy, "Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents"? The book is available on under the books section. It is also available on's kindle section. Also the book can be bought overseas as well. has sites almost anywhere in the world these days. The book is also available soon on Barnes and
Thank you Robert for doing the book interview on Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents. For more information on Robert Moylan or his work you can check out his website at
Tell me about yourself? I was a very sensitive child and teen growing up on the west side of Chicago. My father tragically died in a fire when I was in the 7th grade. I was one of 13 children and my mother worked long hours as a waitress. This left our family financially strapped. I liked to read as a child and was fortunate to go to prep school at Lake Forest Academy on a scholarship. About ten or eleven years old, I seem to have my fair share of problems. I struggled with sadness and anxiety more than the next boy. I turned to prayer as a young person to gain peace however that wasn't enough. Whether it was losing wrestling matches, getting bullied or dating I seem to take the losses hard. As I look back, I usually went all out in studying and sports. Naturally, you can't win at everything so I began to learn to process my feelings at a young age. I had a wonderful mentor named Ed Paquette, who was my high school Headmaster at Lake Forest Academy. Ed was a trained guidance counselor. He was a great role model as he was exceptional with his emotions and expressing himself. Having to see him on a daily basis was wonderful for my development. He was always supportive and that helped transform my life. I was able to gain another scholarship to a highly ranked school Northwestern University. It was there that I studied Human Development and earned my high school teaching certificate. I also earned an Economics degree from Northwestern, but decided to work helping teens instead of going to business school. That was almost 30 years ago. Since then I have spent most of my career as a teacher, coach and counselor.
What made you decide to write, "Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents"? I wrote Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents because I wanted to stop, prevent, or diminish the emotional pain that young people often experience. I have found over the years that reading self help books really helped my growth and development. I joke that I lived in the "self help psychology" aisle at Barnes and Noble bookstore. This book shares some of my top techniques I have used as a behavior disorders teacher and counselor to help our youth. This approach is unique and very simple to learn if you give yourself the time to work the five steps. I like to tell people, if it rains or thunderstorms; you would want an umbrella or some type of shelter. Why not do the same with your emotions. Stress will hit you; I can assure all teens of that. Why? We place a great deal on our young with school, sports, etc. This book teaches teens how to protect themselves from emotional problems like moving, breakups, failing grades, losing a loved one, etc.
What is "Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents about? Emotional Core Therapy uses five easy steps to identify and process debilitating feelings of fear and grief. The book teaches teens how to have a loving relationship with oneself, without the use of drugs or alcohol. The book helps keep teens relaxed and reflective in their daily life. Only then, can they truly release the problems that naturally come their way. I use some actual cases, and hypothetical cases, to teach adolescents the ECT process. The book is also interactive, so at the end of the chapter, teens can work on their own feelings at their own pace. ECT helps teens attain power and vitality in their day to day life.
Who can benefit from reading, Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents"? ECT is for almost all teens. It is a very inclusive process. It does not matter what your religion, gender, ethnicity or sexual preference, as the ECT process deals with the four authentic feelings of joy, grief, fear, and relief. These four feelings are with us throughout the day. Often times, they make us feel very uncomfortable. Why not learn to master them early in life. I learned how to master my emotions the hard way. I would like things to be a bit easier for youth in America and throughout the world. Nearly all teens will have to deal with debilitating feelings of fear and grief, and anger as they take on the demands of the world. Some will experience relationship problems. Some will struggle academically. Some will struggle with parental demands and expectations. Some will have peer pressure. The stresses of a teen's life can be momentous at times. This book helps teens identify and process these feelings and learn to gain confidence in them in the process.
Where can someone buy, "Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents"? The book is available on under the books section. It is also available on's kindle section. Also the book can be bought overseas as well. has sites almost anywhere in the world these days. The book is also available soon on Barnes and
Thank you Robert for doing the book interview on Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents. For more information on Robert Moylan or his work you can check out his website at